The pandemic from my point of view

To go cycling in unknown places, To climb some hills with my mom some mornings, the much I waited for the weekends to see my friends and much more... All that, ended on June 17, 2020 when the government decreed quarantine in my city.

I still remember how I felt the day that we're separated each other as society and that horrible feeling that we're never going to get better. Over time, I began to notice changes in my mental health, for example currently there are days when I don't want to do anything, days when I dislike the whole world and days that I feel really sad. 

CORONAVIRUS: “COVID-19: Lo que (com)porta el humor y otra escritura de lo  real”

Nevertheless, fortunately, I also found many ways to feel a little better for example I sold my cellphone to do things that I didn't for a long time like talk to my family about my feelings (that gadget made me watch things that didn't have importance for me at all).

If someday this pandemic end, I'll do everything I postpone for no reason and I'll appreciate more every minute that I spend with my loved ones.

Coronavirus Memes 🤧😅 - Pulso


  1. Hi Carla! How great your initiative to sell your phone, I feel that it really isolates us from our loved ones at times. Hope we can get back to normal soon!

  2. Carlaaa, Is great that you have new tools to feel better! I expect that you feel good these days and I expect that we can see some day! <3


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