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Blog 8: English Language Challenges

Hi guys! here's another blog so you could know me better :D Well this year I've been having English classes on my university. At the moment I'm coursing my second English course and it's been a really great opportunity to me for learn more about  speaking and writing  this language.  As you know in this class we have to do some blog's post during the semester and do some comments to our classmate. With this type of tasks I think I be able to improve a lot my writing skills and my reading skills (because I've read most of the post that you share). Besides of that, I think the blog's post allows me to know you guys a little more (and all the way around) and it's so nice:D Anyway I'm not perfect speaker and writer yet, because I need a lot of practice to do to flow in this language. Some things that get in my mind to improve my level are watching movies or serials in English or, at least, activate the subtitles. Another idea I have is talking with some

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